When I saw this car, I knew it was meant to be. How often does one get to drive a car in her favorite color, especially when her favorite color is purple? We bought the car last week from a super nice Costa Rican couple. Both of their kids are on staff with YWAM, so they were happy to see the car go to another home in ministry. Cailah did a great job learning to drive stick, and was ready to drive us home after only 15 minutes of practice. I was thoroughly impressed! Having a car will minimize the stress of many aspects of daily here in Costa Rica. For example, we no longer have to make the 20 minute walk to the grocery store in the rain, and we can easily get home from night events with the teams. We are very thankful for the blessing of having a car.
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
8 years ago
Ummmmm, I'm having a very hard time picturing this!!! Can you please provide a picture so that I can giggle with excitement at your great fortune! Love you
I love it!
The name definitely suites the car :)
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