Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our First Group

This last week Cailah, Aiyla and I hosted our first group here in Costa Rica! We led 22 college students from James Madison University on a week long outreach in the jungle region of Talamanca, Costa Rica. We were working alongside the full-time missionaries down there, Curtis and Kathy Sharp. This is the same town and ministry that I have been a part of over the last several summers, so it was quite a treat for me to get to go back there. Also, the group of students we had were amazing! Each one came down with a heart to serve, looking for God to work in and through them during the week. It was a joy to watch them serve the community, the Sharps, and each other as serving unto the Lord (Ephesians 6:5-7)

A few of the highlights:

Watching the students love on the community. Even though we weren't doing a VBS after the days' manuel labor, the students still really wanted to hangout with the kids from the community. They would tirelessly play with them till we had to call them back for dinner.

Great times of worship and sharing. We all blessed by how amazing God is and the work he is doing in each one of us.

Being able to bless the Sharps and the community through the many projects we were able to complete

Seeing friendship developed and strengthened among the team members and knowing that each one is going home with a great support system.

1 comment:

Benje Williams said...

is that harry potter playing the guitar??

glad your first trip was such a great success!!!